
  • KIM Taeyeong 秦慧京 김정옥 김만식 한초원 나종천 박창희
  • 120分钟
  • Director Kim had a stroke while making numerous mo…Director Kim had a stroke while making numerous movies, lives in hell for 11 years. He goes to Dilcusha to write a new scenario and sees a miracle after meeting people agreed on participating in his new film.


  • 第5集
  • 第240630期
  • 更新至12集
  • 正片
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  • 更新至16集
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电影天堂 《梦想的宫殿》剧情介绍

《梦想的宫殿》主演:KIM Taeyeong 秦慧京 김정옥 김만식 한초원 나종천 박창희 的电影天堂 该剧剧情: Director Kim had a stroke while making numerous movies, lives in hell for 11 years. He goes to Dilcusha to write a new scenario and sees a miracle after meeting people agreed on participating in his new film.草民影院喜剧片栏目为您提供《梦想的宫殿》免费在线观看,及播出时间。喜欢的话,不要忘记分享给好友哦!


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